"Col" wrote in message
"Will Hand" wrote in message
Anybody on here uploading their obs to the Met Office WOW site yet?
Haytor is up there.
I can only assume that there are no quality control checks going on
here because those readings are all over the place. My nearest station
is recording 26C whilst I'm at around 20C.
It's even worse in London where somebody is recording 34C but
not so many miles away it's only 17C.
Don't these people check their readings against local 'official'
stations before uploading to make sure they are at least reasonably
representative of their local area?
Really, I'd be embarassed to send in data like that.
As it stands, this site is a joke.
That is the worse I have seen it. There is meta data describing the quality
of the sites along the same lines as COL classification. However, the site
with 32C has the same classification as my site, 2 stars, which is not right
as mine is well exposed and accurate! I suspect the high temperature values
are those with thermos exposed to the sun with no shielding. in which case I
question why they are not 1 star stations?