After a few days with quite a lot of cloud at times and/or very hazy
sunshine, the cloud melted away this morning and out came proper sun,
i.e., strong.
Unbroken sunshine on the coast with cumulus building up inland.
A max of 25.6°C with just a slight sea breeze and DPs around 16°C made
for the perfect day. It even impressed the in-laws (who are with us at
the moment and are from Lisbon), and they felt it was warm enough to
have a swim whilst we were down on the beach this afternoon. That also
impressed them (open SST up to 20°C, a little warmer along the shore),
as the sea around the west coast of Portugal often remains chilly all
summer, especially north of Lisbon.
Overnight minimum was 16.8°C, and continues a run of warm nights that
started on the 25th July.
Countryside browning nicely.
A lovely warm, calm evening.
(20:15), 22.0°C, RH 72%, DP 16.0°C, 1014 hPa (R), Wind calm.
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl