[OBS] Romsey - Thursday 4th August 2011
A prolonged period of moderate to heavy rain in the last
9 hours has yielded almost one inch which equates to our
wettest day (period 0900-0900Z) for nigh on a year when
32mm fell on 24th August 2010.
SYNOP 04/0850Z (current ob)
03/// 41120 81809 10181 20178 40085 57014 76566 8772/
333 84702 87705 88525=
EG// 040850Z 18009KT 2000 +RA SCT002 BKN005
OVC025 18/18 Q//// AMB=
wind... S, force 3.
visibility... 2000m.
weather... continuous rain; heavy.
clouds... 4/8 St 200ft, 7/8 St 500ft, 8/8 Ns 2500ft.
dry bulb... +18.1C.
dewpoint... +17.8C.
RH... 98%.
sea level pressure... 1008.5mb (falling slowly).
max temp yesterday... +26.5C.
min temp last night... +16.1C.
rainfall last hour... 4.3mm.
24 hour rainfall (03/0900-04/0900Z)... 23.5mm.
beaufort letters (0750-0850Z)... cr,cR,cr,cR.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl