On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 09:28:09 -0700, Graham Easterling wrote:
It's good to see some posts supporting Google (when it works). USW does
tend to get smug & superior when it gets to what S/W you use. It's got
to the stage when admitting you used Google risks bringing down the
wrath of the Gods.
If the bugs in Google Groups only affected the users, I wouldn't give a
tinker's cuss what people used. Unfortunately, everyone else is affected
by GG's little peculiarities.
If OE users don't put a divider between their replies and the googler's
post as Will does, the rest of us have to guess where one post ends and
another starts - or ignore the post altogether.
It seems that GG can't recognise correctly-formed signatures and
automatically remove them - or is their a setting in GG that users are
If objecting to these faults in GG means I'm smug, then so be it. Anyway,
I don't get superior, I just am.
Graham Davis, Bracknell
Whilst it's true that money can't buy you happiness, at least you can
be miserable in comfort.
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