[OBS] Romsey - Thursday 18th August 2011
Another burst of torrential rain was briefly interrupted by
a complete pause at 1115Z and even a little brightening of
the sky to the southeast. Back to the heavy rain again now.
Temperature unwavering at the 'very cool for August' level,
currently just 1.4C above the average max for November.
SYNOP 18/1050Z
03/// 41230 80307 10123 20117 40142 55000 79266 8692/
333 84705 84920 88535=
SYNOP 18/1150Z (current ob)
03/// 11235 80109 10123 20117 40139 50007 60301 76496
8292/ 333 82705 81920 88540=
EG// 181150Z 01009KT 3500 +RA FEW005 FEW020CB
OVC040 12/12 Q//// YLO1=
wind... N by E, force 3.
visibility... 3500m (dropped to 1200m again at 1100Z).
weather... heavy rain.
clouds... 2/8 St at 500ft, 1/8 Cb at 2000ft, 8/8 Ns at 4000ft.
dry bulb... +12.3C.
dewpoint... +11.7C.
RH... 96%.
sea level pressure... 1013.9mb (was rising, now falling).
rainfall last hour... 9.7mm.
3 hour rainfall (0900-1200Z)... 24.9mm.
6 hour rainfall (0600-1200Z)... 29.9mm.
beaufort letters (0950-1050Z)... cR,ctloR,cR.
beaufort letters (1050-1150Z)... cR,cir,cR.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl