What is an "average" summer?
"Adam Lea" wrote in message
On 18/08/11 20:48, Gavino wrote:
"Will wrote in message
Well I think that this has been a lovely summer. Very few days over 21C
I think most people would regard that as a sign of a poor summer.
In Spain, it wouldn't even count as summer at all. :-)
(We're on an alert here for temps up to 40C in some parts.)
It is a lovely summer if you are one of those who cannot stand high
temperatures (or don't have air conditioning and enjoy a good nights
Strangely, I have no trouble at all sleeping in the summer (and here we
often have nights where the temperature never drops *below* 21C - last
night's TV forecast made great play of that with a map showing areas of the
country with expected minima over 23C, the so-called 'threshold of sleep').
I find it much harder to sleep in the winter - someone else recently
mentioned the 'cold feet' syndrome.
What Will thinks of as heaven would be a living hell for me.
I don't know why he doesn't emigrate to Greenland. :-)