Hurricane Irene and TWO magnitude 5-6 earthquakes in EASTERN US!
Today as I'm shure many of you know two earthquakes occured
in the US, one right at the Kansas/New Mexico border with magnitude
5.3, later in the afternoon, (UTC), a 5.8 magnitude in Virginia near
Wahington DC! These are magnitudes that I personally have not seen
in these areas, but they might occur at _long_ intervals as is known.
But what is strikingly apparent is that at this PRECISE
instant the worst hurricane since 2008 (which was Ike) is born in the
Carribean and is fast approaching the US east coast. Just north
of Hispanola at the moment. Name: Irene.
If someone were to tell me these three events were not related, I
don't know what I would do - probably just laugh?!??
Bjørn Sørheim