On 24/08/11 08:24, Nick wrote:
On Aug 23, 11:45 pm, Adam wrote:
On 23/08/11 21:33, John Hall wrote:
In ,
Colin writes:
UK max. temps on Tuesday http://tinyurl.com/42bv3cj
Glen Ogle 10.1°C, Fair Isle 14.2°C, High Wycombe 14.4°C, Fylingdales
14.5°C, Larkhill and Odiham 14.6°C.
It must be very rare in summer for High Wycombe's maximum to be on a par
with Fair Isle's.
It may have happened last Thursday which was a nastier day than today.
Incidentally why the extremely low temperatures? (I think below 15C in
August, being equivalent to sub-zero in January, can warrant that
label) Typical temperatures for a wet August day IMX are in the range
17-19C (for southern England), and the temperatures observed in
Hereford, etc, suggest this wasn't a particularly cool airmass.
My guess is that the cloud is very thick and there is a relatively
stagnant airmass over the UK so very little sunlight is available to
warm the surface, and little surface advection, hence temperatures
hardly rise from their overnight values BICBW. If you look at the Met
Office graphical observations for London you will see the temperature
has been flat for the last 24 hours. Must be pretty unusual at this time
of year.