What are your most memorable weather events for your area in your lifetime?
Dave Cornwell wrote in news:cs56q.12902
Mine a-
1962/63 winter
1987 "Great Storm"
1976 Hot long summer.
A mixture of regional and very local...
1987 and 1991 snows in NW Kent (18, 12 inches)
1994 - June MCS with its gust front and then 2 hours of C-C lightning.
Properly remarkable and I think the same storm that I recall counting 33
flashes of lightning in 1 minute (this could have been 1996 though!)
1995 - violent thunderstorm with heavy hail in Reading on the morning of
my birthday at 4am. Was over as soon as it started but had about 3-4
close CGs and apparently was quite localised (Bill Pike wrote about it in
Met Mag in 1996, IIRC)
2001 - Wimbledon - seeing a CG hit the road opposite 20 metres away
whilst I was indoors in my flat.
2003 (?) - Hottest day ever which in itself was stifling, but where I
went for a picnic with friends and a fairly sizeable (20m or so?) dust
devil went through the fields we were on straight through a cricket
match! I also saw a lady walk past me with a fleece and woollen hat