On Sep 7, 1:02Â*pm, Surfer wrote:
On Tue, 6 Sep 2011 14:14:50 +1000, "socialistwarmistagenda"
socialistwarmistagenda@ditch wrote:
"Bret Cahill" wrote in message
Deniers are getting pretty desperate.
ø Indeed Bretsy Cahill is pretty desperate.
Actually it should be the leftists/warmists who should be getting desperate
whilst trying to think up "explanations" for their models being dead wrong
yet again!
ø Nnaaahh! They simply deny, deny, deny!!!
The right hand graph on this page shows that Arctic sea ice is
continuing to melt.http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/
Larger image hehttp://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/i...plot_hires.png
ø I have yet to see even one nsidc image that accurately
portrays an image at the date claimed.
ø The Arctic summer is ending but NSIDC photos
taken in the last 8 weeks will be labeled Nov/Dec.
ø Surfer— It is time you got a first clue.
— —
There are three types of people that you
can_not_talk_into_behaving_well. The
stupid, the religious fanatic, and the evil.
1- The stupid aren't smart enough to follow the
logic of what you say. You have to tell them
what is right in very simple terms. If they do
not agree, you will never be able to change
their mind.
2- The religious fanatic: If what you say goes
against their religious belief, they will cling
to that belief even if it means their death.
3- There is no way to reform evil- not in a
million years. There is no way to convince
terrorists, serial killers, paedophiles, and
predators to change their evil ways, They
knew what they were doing was wrong, but
knowledge didn't stop them. It only made
them more careful in how they went about
performing their evil deeds.Ë™