Lawrence13 wrote:
On Sep 11, 7:37 pm, "Col" wrote:
"Rising sea levels - nobody ever said we would be innundated
during the first couple of decades of the 21st century. It was
always a 50-100 year thing."
Well Col let's look at sea level rise from the IPCC in 1990 in their
first assessment under impacts in which they say
"These scenarios pre-date, but are in line with, the assessment of
Working Group I which, for Scenario A (Business-as-Usual) has
estimated the magnitude of sea-level rise at about 20 cm by 2030"
In fact the sea level rise hasn't even been half that figure so far
with levels actually now falling that means for the IPCC prediction to
come true we need to see a 15 cm rise in the next 19 years so it had
better get it's skates on
If you actually read that article it says that the decline, and we're still
only talking half a centimetre in a 5cm rise since 1993, is a mere
temporary affair. It has been caused by La Nina giving extra rainfall
in Australia and South America. The general trend is still strongly upwards.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl