New historic arctic ice minimum
On Sep 13, 7:55*am, Dawlish wrote:
On Sep 12, 9:34*pm, Lawrence13 wrote:
On Sep 12, 5:50*pm, Dawlish wrote:
On Sep 11, 7:31*pm, Dawlish wrote:
On Sep 11, 6:41*pm, Lawrence13 wrote:
On Sep 11, 5:18*pm, "Col" wrote:
Lawrence13 wrote:
On Sep 11, 4:30 pm, "Col" wrote:
Never mind the jokes Lawrence, I asked a serious question.
You talk of 'cooling ahead'. When will this said cooling lead
to an arctic sea extent comparable to the 1972-2008 average?
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl- Hide quoted text -
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I could turn that around Col and say when will these said rising *sea
levels threaten our coastlines. When will the said increase in super
sized hurricanes start. Or when will the said disapearance of snowfall
begin. When all is said and done there's nothing shaking but the
leaves in the tree. *I'm still waiting for the last said *three BBQ
summers *and they were predicted by tn experts the Met Office, and
golly gosh if anyone knows about AGW then they do.
You've answered a question with a question, Lawrence.
I ask again:
When will this said cooling lead to an arctic sea extent comparable
to the 1972-2008 average?
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl- Hide quoted text -
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The coming decade. Now answer mine.- Hide quoted text -
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Why on earth would you think that? And why doesn't anyone working in
the cryosphere appear to agree with you? Doesn't it concern you that
none do?- Hide quoted text -
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Another avoidance. You've been asked direct questions. Answer them.
You appear quick to demand that of others. Why do you expect Arctic
sea ice to decline in the next decade? That seems bizarre and goes
against every scientist working in the cryosphere area.- Hide quoted text -
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You know back in the eighties when I was active on the left-the WRP in
fact. I remember saying to my internationalist comrades that now the
Trade Union movement has been curtailed by Thatcher our anti
capitalist stance should now be for the environment *and particularly
AGW which I was gung-ho for in those days. For only socialism and
world revolution could/ can save the planet from global warming
disaster -yeah right the old soviet union and china were great
examples to follow.
So you see my little Dawlish Ying to my yang. I've been down that
route and in fact was a bleedin' pioneer of that shining green garden
path. That's why my views are now firmly , yes there has been warming,
and yes some may be due to fossil fuels being used to drag humans from
their wretched miserable existence only up until a hundred odd years
ago. However 90 odd % is political and from the IPCC what would you
As Richard Lindzen said something along the lines off:
You would have been hard pressed to find a couple of hundred climate
scientist thirty years ago now there are tens of thousands. Just doing
a study on sea temperature change and turtle droppings qualifies you
to be a climate scientist now
Whilst I'm at it my figures quoted from the IPCC first report in 1990
for sea level rise was correct and yet no one has the decency to
recognise that truth? *Hey don't let the facts spoil a good ideology- Hide quoted text -
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Ignoring the far right wing political crap which eats at your eyes and
blinds you. Talk about that in a different newsgroup, as you've been
told by many before. Try again. Just answer the questions and don't
deflect. There has to be a mechanism for what you've proposed. i.e.
that Arctic sea ice will decrease in the next decade.
The questions a Why on earth would you think that? And why doesn't
anyone working in the cryosphere appear to agree with you? Doesn't it
concern you that none do?
You surely can't believe something is going to happen simply because
you want it to happen, in order to substantiate your political
beliefs?- Hide quoted text -
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Why do you waste your time? This is religion, not science.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.