Monday's Gale, well done Met O
The local man killed by a falling tree in Monday's gale was
well known to me. It certainly brings home another side of
severe weather when something like this happens. Was the Met
Office right to issue gale warnings? Ask ordinary folk here
and you will be told in no uncertain terms. They don't know
what the official terms of a gale are and aren't particularly
interested, but they do know that a gale warning means damage,
strong winds and danger.
The warnings were well in advance and spot on, they usually
are here.
Imagine the repercussions in these parts if there had been no
Most of our population are not weather nuts and welcome
warnings of gales, snow, ice etc.
Copley, Teesdale
I agree. It didn't materialise here (though it's having a good
go today, with trees whopping about and rain battering the
windows) but it's better to be warned, even if it doesn't hapen
as forecast, than to be taken by surprise because there was no