New historic arctic ice minimum
I am always happy to have the last word - or not. If my "clones" are
all the open-minded, non-creationists in the world, I'm very likely to
be in far better company that I would be in yours James - and many of
those aren't great! *))
I think I'd actually enjoy your company Paul as I like stimulating
conversation - but just to set the record straight - I find it hard to
understand why a person's political or faith views should alter
statistical evidence based science. I am personally of the firm opinion
that AGW IS taking place, (Just as is the case with ozone) and that if a
negative feed-back mechanism doesn't reveal itself - such as the low sun
spot theory, or deep water overturning etc. then we will indeed be
responsible for creating yet more misery for folk, which in the complex
interconnected society in which we now live could well have catastrophic
James Brown