New historic arctic ice minimum
On Sep 18, 2:06*pm, Lawrence13 wrote:
On Sep 15, 6:04*pm, Dawlish wrote:
On Sep 15, 9:24*am, James Brown
If you are going to express creationist ideas in a scientific
newsgroup; expect opposition and if people ever wish to propose that
dangerous (yes, dangerous) nonsense like this, that belongs in the
middle ages, should be taught in schools, expect people like me there
to put a stop to it before it takes root. There are particular ideas
that should not be encouraged. rcism is one; creationism is another.
You are lucky to be in a democracy that allows you to expound such
views*, but don't ever expect an easy ride if you do.
Ah well Paul, OTOH I count it a positive thing that your ability to
create a school of clones of your way of thinking is limited. You have
of course conveniently forgotten that you were the instigator of this
debate when you chose to drag the religious views of certain folk into a
tirade in this NG. And as long as open NG's exist then you are as likely
to find yourself challenged. If OTOH you could keep to the subject
matter of the charter then I think we would all benefit. However, I have
discovered very few folk who don't mind not having the last word -
probably including myself;-)
*As Voltaire said however and to paraphrase the great man's comment;
no matter how much I despise fundamentalist religious views and the
creationist view of evolution, I would fight to protect your right to
say it. That's how lucky you are to be in the UK.
I think that statement is contradictory - but there you go.
James Brown
I am always happy to have the last word - or not. If my "clones" are
all the open-minded, non-creationists in the world, I'm very likely to
be in far better company that I would be in yours James - and many of
those aren't great! *))
Bye.- Hide quoted text -
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As you seem to have a hostility towards religion that means two
things *you are an athiest a man to intelligent to believe in such
fairy tales or you have gone over to Satan. * * Hmmmm I know what I
think- Hide quoted text -
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Whatever you think has no relevance to anyone else. Since you
generally just make things up and then scribble them on here, who
would put any store by what you think?