What a bunch of losers
In article
Weatherlawyer writes:
On Sep 20, 1:36*pm, Graham P Davis wrote:
Laura Tobin just referred to a feature on her chart as a "weather front"
five times in quick succession. On the sixth - and final - occasion, she
just referred to it as a "front". Must have been running out of breath.
1 Graham P Davis Sep 20
2 John Hall Sep 20
3 Tudor Hughes Sep 20
I see.
It's Saptember. The season for ungentlemen to come out the closet.
You make Dawlish... ermm
Can't one criticise weather presenters now if they happen to be female?
Is it still OK to criticise them if they're male?
There have been some excellent female weather presenters, Barbara
Edwards and Suzanne Charlton being two names that come to mind. But I
don't think that Laura Tobin is one of them.
John Hall
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism
by those who have not got it."
George Bernard Shaw