Forecast 27C next Sunday in London
Netweather's forecast for Sunday is down to 23C now but the following
Tuesday has risen to 29C. Which is billed as a "True Temp". If that's
the "feels like" temperature then it's rather a misleading
nomenclature. What's also odd is that the proper forecast temperature
for that day is only 19C at 13:00.
As to this 'blizzards in October' business in the Express - well,
that's typical self-serving excitability from those that bill
themselves as 'long range forecasters', allied with a absence of
filtering at the Express. Not unusual..
It's sad that Radio 3 has regurgitated this hyperbole. Various media,
which one would hope would exclude the BBC, have very short memories
and do no research into credentials. Netweather, lest we forget, were
loudly trumpeting the summer of 2011 as having 'shades of 1976', while
James Madden is a geography student who holds eccentric views about
the Gulf Stream stopping, an imminent ice age, and temperatures being
dictated by Icelandic volcanoes that have produced far too little
sulfur dioxide to have any effect in that respect whatsoever. And yet
he becomes a 'weather expert' because he has a web page with an
exciting sounding name - 'Exacta'.
It may well be another colder and snowier winter than average, and an
assumption of negative NAO persistence might lead one to conclude at
least one frigid period. But bet your bottom dollar, any sign of
perfectly seasonal snowfall (on Cairngorm at Halloween, say) will be
grasped as verification of the extremes that are being 'forecast'. I'm
surprised that 'Positive Weather Solutions' haven't jumped on the
bandwagon yet. They (more correctly 'he') are usually the Express's
(Caveat - all views are my own and not those of my employer).