I have previously mooted the likelihood of Blocking Lows. Well here is
an example of them setting up over this recently started weather
Opera is playing the fool at the moment so I can't show you the
picture on here yet.
There is going to be an whole series of them on the above site.
http://www.woksat.info/etctiasxx/indextiasxx.html and through into October (not up yet, obviously.)
As it happens although I have only imagined they exist until just now;
it turns out I already know what they do.
Blocking Highs signal massive earthquakes. Blocking lows signal...
Well, see it for yourselves:
With an anticyclone spell due and especially if that goes pear shaped,
things could wind up well.
Remember folks, you heard it here first.
You all come back now you Hera.
There are 6 active systems as of 27 Sep, 2011 23:42 GMT
It might be worth checking out Eric Habich's site too:
Now to see if I can locate the other blocking lows for a bit of
You never know.