On Sep 28, 1:04*am, Weatherlawyer wrote:
There are 6 active systems as of 27 Sep, 2011 23:42 GMT
It might be worth checking out Eric Habich's site too:
You never know.
What i do know is that you are all waiting with baited breath to hear
what the great mage is going to come up with next.
Sadly it was some other prat:
He sent me two stunning links with this message:
"This things been hoverin over my house for a couple days, Its quite
Boy, I'll say:
Now don't you all rush over there staight away and down their server,
it's already at full stretch, thank you very much.
Head on over to this loservilla
http://groups.google.com/group/uk.sc...8383198f10b104 and discuss how much you wish you could stick your head in the sand and you arse in the sky where it belongs.
....To any passing stranger.