[OBS] Chalfont St Giles - Tue 14th Dec 2004
Chalfont St Giles - Tuesday 14th December 2004
2100z SW F3 10km 8SC013 09.1/072 1021
DAYTIME (0900-2100): Max: 9.6 at 1425z Rain: Nil
1500z SW F3 15km 5SC013 7SC020 09.6/07.4 1023
1200z SW F2-3 5000 HZ 5SC015 8SC022 07.6/064 1025
0900z SW F1 3500 BR 7SC012 04.7/04.1 1026
OVERNIGHT (2100-0900): Air min: 1.4 (at 2100) Grass min: 1.4
Rain 0.3 mm (first
measurable rain this month)
0615z SW F1 3000 BR 8ST 03.5/02.9 1026
RMK: Temp continues to rise slowly
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Norman Lynagh Weather Consultancy
Chalfont St Giles 85m a.s.l.