On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 08:26:14 +0100, Phil Layton wrote:
On 09/10/2011 08:20, Col wrote:
"Graham P wrote in message
On Sat, 08 Oct 2011 23:58:59 +0100, The Flying Deuce wrote:
marvel, dc, whats the difference
all comics
Two new aliases in the same day, Terry? Either stop being such a
coward and stick to one identity, or **** off and leave us in peace.
As each new identity pops up, just dump it in the killfile. That's what
I do.
Same here Col - but its a bit of a chore. Ive got over 20 filters for
this one guy.
Oh, I also do that but I just got a tad annoyed when I had to do it twice
this morning.
This newsreader's default is just to dump someone for a month, which is
usually enough for TT. I could also bar him permanently, but it requires
a bit more work than used to be the case with the reader I used to use.
Graham Davis, Bracknell
Whilst it's true that money can't buy you happiness, at least you can
be miserable in comfort.
Newsreader for Windows, Mac, Unix family: