Mesoscale cloud signature moving down Eng Channel
On Oct 14, 3:59*pm, Freddie wrote:
On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 06:54:00 -0700 (PDT), Len Wood
Curvature shown by the clouds on this suggest that this is a
Not sure I agree with your assertion that it's a mesocyclone. True
the cloud bands are curved, but there isn't any rotation evident in
the system - it is just translating west-north-westward. Probably
attained its original shape from the humidity distribution and
small-scale variations in SST and low-level stability, but I don't
think we are looking at anything other than chance distribution of
Bayston Hill
102m AMSL
Admittedly the use of the term mesocyclone is a bit OTT, but usually
the cloud streets are pretty straight in an easterly down the channel.
It would be difficult to be sure of any rotation as there are no
surface or boundary layer top obs at this resolution.
I was wondering if the Normandy peninsula played any role, but there
seems curvature before it reaches this region.