Arctic Temperatures 80 degrees North
On Oct 15, 8:35*pm, Lawrence13 wrote:
On Oct 15, 1:18*pm, Alan LeHun wrote:
In article 6346bf63-d3ed-483f-bc08-
, says...
Here you are Alan just click on the years
Ok Lawrence I'll tell you want to hear. Good golly gosh, It /does/ look
a little chillier than in recent years but by gum, I really had to look
hard to see it.
There is nothing there to suggest that anything chilly is happening at
climatic timeframes though.
Alan LeHun
So was that a yes as you seem to be wriggling a tad. Actually Will
mentioned the colder Arctic conditions in *another thread, Actually
it's still running low *no signs yet of a rise.
Actually it very probably means sod-all, as you are just trying your
best to cherry pick a short dataset to try to tell the world that GW
has ended, as you always do, doesn't it?
What happened to Arctic Sea ice this year?