Easterlies at T240 with a Scandinavian High??
On Mon, 17 Oct 2011 22:29:11 -0700, Dawlish wrote:
PS Yesterday's was posted to pre-empt and dissuade the coldies from
doing what they annoy many of us to death with each winter, shouting
"EASTERLIES" every time a Scandinavian high shows in the far reaches of
gfs. Today we have the backing of a few runs, but it's only low
probability still. It'll need two more gfs runs before I become properly
It's jolly kind of you to devote yourself to keeping us safe from all
these disreputable people: People who say they can produce accurate
seasonal forecasts; Excitable coldies; People who say they can forecast
at 10 days; People who say the world isn't warming, and more, I'm sure.
Of course there will be people who say that you are tedious and
repetitive, but *you know better than them*, they don't have your
intelligence and vision.
So shrug off the sneers and stand up for all those people who don't have
the benefit of being you. I for one am jolly pleased that you've been put
in charge of this group!