winter forecast update?
Will, your gut feeling for a cold stormy Novenber is not shaping up very
well now,when you update your thoughts could you analyse the reasons for
such a reversal in type as amateurs like me might glean some insights into
the hazards of long range forecasting.
( sods law notwithstanding ! )
wrote in message
Hi Will,
I was wondering if there have been changes to the winter outlook. The high
to our East seems reluctant to shift. Meanwhile, we are connecting up my
wood gasification boiler to a 2500 litre heat store (situated outside in a
shed)that should reduce our wood consumption by 75%! (I'll let you know if
this is the case).
Mike McMillan. a damp and dreary IOW.
Oct 13th
Hi Mike, my gut feel at present is for a stormy and cold November leading
into a coldish and wet December. Unlikely to be as cold as last year, but
with a developing jet further south than normal due to fast cooling Arctic
and other information that I cannot discuss here, you never know. January
and February would be pure guesswork at this stage to be honest, but I would
put money on yet another mildish February. January probably a mixed bag.
Eskimo Will