Surely this must have an impact on the weather sooner or later, more storms,
and certainly a wet autumn. Also additional humidity, which 'we' may see
some effects of in a Spainish plume situation.
Keith (Southend)
"Weather Home and Abroad"
"Wijke Ruiter" wrote in message
The KNMI-site reports very high sea water temps of the Mediterranean. This
conclusion is based on data recieved from NOAA-satellites. The average
of the Med in june/july are about 20 - 22 C with regional max to 26 C. Now
the temperature is about 4 C higher in general.
According to the knmi these temps of the surface water could be reached by
lack of lows (wind and clouds) over the Med. Longer periods of quiet,
and hot weather would have caused these exceptional temps. Maps with
seawater temps can be found at:
The article compares the situation with that of 1995. The sea-temps of the
"Thyreense" Sea, near Southern Italy reached a record of 28 - 30 C by the
second half of August.
Mm -- wonder about the temps of the Aegean by that time ;-) ??