"Jim Green" "nospam !!!" wrote in message
I have been a lurker here for a couple of years and I am truly
astonished about some of the participants obsession with cold spells.
The excitement and anticipation seems very strange to me, who the hell
wants a cold spell? Otherwise I can see no advantages only problems for:
drivers, homeless people, the elderly who are too afraid to turn their
heating up.
I have come up with three reasons that might explain your obsession:
1. Apart from extreme weather, hot or cold, meteorology is actually dead
boring. I mean taking temperatures and rain fall readings are actually
the metrological equivalent of train spotting. So the hankering for that
elusive cold spell keeps you all going.
It's not boring to meteorologists just as train spotting isn't boring
to train spotters. Each to their own.
Besides without the day-to-day record keeping, how would we know
how hot/cold/wet dry a spell of weather was as their would be no
context in which to set it.
Bolton, Lancashire.
160m asl.