On 16/11/2011 18:57, Dave Cornwell wrote:
The fact that 7.5C is the lowest max temp between mid March and mid
November (i.e I would think the months of late March, April, Oct and
early November often produce lower) could indicate that 2011 will end up
as a pretty mild year, bearing in mind that the South at least had a
fairly mild Jan and Feb and Autumn was above average as well.
Average temps (1st Jan - 15th Nov)
min max mean
2007 7.2 16.8 12.0
2008 7.9 15.9 11.9
2009 7.8 15.9 11.8
2010 6.5 15.7 11.1
2011 8.2 16.5 12.4
This year could end up being a warm one.... unless December turns cold
and nasty like last year.
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl