Frozen Planet #4
its all bull****
On 17/11/2011 12:20 AM, Lawrence13 wrote:
Really? They are a disparate bunch of bitter hedonistic opportunist
minority groups and rabid lefty luvvies. You only have to endure East
Enders for ten minutes to sum them up. Having been through the left,
you can recognise the loathing self hatred on 90 k per year on
license fee money; at the drop of a hat.
The BBC yesterday morning made big deal with their usual big brother
tripe about a BMA report on smoking in cars and how harmful it is to,
diddy, diddums, children. Well I hate smoking, being a non smoker but
the BMA? I think they'd fare far better dealing with MRSA in the NHS
which has killed over thirty thousand people in the UK in just five
years and that's without those that were very ill and the barrier
nursing required to try and contain the infection. Or if they are
really serious about a present danger to live then maybe they could
address abortion-which the NHS and BMA condone regardless of the fact
that 200,000 odd babies are killed every year.
You know I don't want to drop names but my ex father in law was a
professor of paediatrics and he ran a dedicated team trying to save
premature babies being born at 22 weeks and everyone applauded that
virtuous dedication. Yet meanwhile a couple of floors below there was
another team dedicated to killing babies at 26 weeks and everyone -
especially the left stayed very, very, silent.
Nothing to do with weather and AGW regarding Frozen Planet but Dave
created the opportunity. Me? I don't care as Orwell said
In a time of universal deceit Telling the truth is it's self a
revolutionary act.