The Models will all change their long term ideas in the next3 to 4 days.
i did warn you with a troll alert
please place "it" in your ignore or killfile
keep posting, much appreciated neo...dont let shrek run you off this
On 17/11/2011 10:59 PM, Neo wrote:
HI Neo.
You said this on Nov 13th when you opened this discussion with the
title; "The Models will all change their long term ideas in the next 3
to 4 days":
"A few things are coming together now that will seem to aid the
cooling process in W Europe over the coming days/weeks."
and this, 2 days later on 16th Nov when no cooling was showing in
that time frame: "......something changing on or around the end of Nov/
early Dec".
Now you are saying "November is not in my time frame for the cold
incursion...that's December...specifically transitional during the
first week"
If you keep saying it will get cold and putting the date of the cold
back every time it doesn't happen, I can guarantee that your forecast
of cold will be correct at some time this winter. I agree with you; it
will get cold at some time.
So in saying in your latest thread that you have 80% confidence in a
mild November, when the actual forecast charts show it that way right
now, you are not copying someone else's forecast and maybe offering up
a little plagiarism?
I would be keen to hear of your career, your qualifications,and your
actual daytime job.
I have only just joined this Newsgroup, and I have seen (by looking
back over the many previous months) that all you seem to like to do is
contradict everyone who posts decent Met Theory (Maybe as some sort of
insecurity complex) and question their methods, without actually
putting forward anything other than what others are forecasting. Try
being original, and see what a rush you might get from it.
Remember, a forecast is only a forecast, made with the best data and
knowledge at the time, and is in no way a promise.
Do not disrespect other's information, you will only make enemies.
Understanding is the victor over naivity and ignorance, and the
conjurer of much original thought.
Why don't you actually become a forecaster or Physics/Weather Model
expert, before you tread on the toes of those of us who actually do
have the career and qualifications to back up our research,
predictions and Model Analysis.
You refused to answer my question previously about whether you work in
a large glass building in Devon, I will make a very qualified and
educated guess that you do not, or if you do, you are not in any way
part of the large cogs of that or any similar organisation, and
perhaps are only a wannabe minnow.
Send me a list of your Qualifications and career, and maybe you could
reverse my thoughts.
Until then, I shall treat everything you suggest politely, but with
considerable doubt as to your understanding.
When it comes to it, you don't know the people you are disrespecting
or anything about their provenance or history.
If Isaac Newton and Ptolemy were on this Newsgroup, you would probably
have a go at them too, and try to undermine their ideas and research/
comments too.
Be careful, the giants on who's shoulders you are standing, may well
not regard you with much more than the feelings of a man who has an
I may not choose to remain in this Newsgroup, and continue instead on
those in a more conducive Scientific Institutional environment, where
the only comments made are constructive, not destructive.