The Models will all change their long term ideas in the next 3 to 4 days.
"Mike McMillan" wrote in message
My sentiments exactly. There are many here that follow the posts of the
experienced meteorologists for advanced warning of "possible" extreme
events. I for one, now 65, am still actively sailing for a living and take a
very keen interest on any adverse sailing conditions. For instance, I have
to sail 70 foot yacht from Palma to Sardinia in early December, and am
already eyeing up the charts before booking my Easy Jet flight...
Please keep posting.
Mike McMillan
A very dry and warm Isle of Wight
Hey Mike, if you want a chat before you sail or an "expert" view then let me
know (e-mail). I have done this for folk in my community before now. I ask
for no reward, helping folk is reward enough.
Best wishes,
Will )