The Models will all change their long term ideas in the next 3 to4 days.
On Nov 18, 9:39*pm, The Texican wrote:
i just rang ofsted and they couldnt give me 10 day T240 forecast and
hung up on me
im saying this with 80% accuracy
On 18/11/2011 8:45 AM, Eskimo Will wrote:
Neo, just some points. (Dawlish) Paul does NOT work in the Met Office in
Exeter nor for any other weather institution. He has no formal
qualifications in weather forecasting just an interest. His day job,
FWIW, is that he is a private Ofsted Consultant. He has a web site which
you can find easily via Google using "paul garvey ofsted consultant" if
you really wish to find out more. Keep posting, it's always interesting
to see other points of view.
It ain't changing til after Christmas.
Keith (Southend)