global warming denial
"Jim Webster" wrote in message
"Col" wrote in message
"Alan Gardiner" wrote in message
Whilst there probably are people in global warming denial, there are
who are perfectly willing to accept that global warming is happening, but
doubt just how much impact humanity is having on the process.
Jim Webster
I go along with the idea that warming is taking place but I am sceptical
with regard to the assertions that humans are entirely responsible. The
warming period at the moment is just part of natures processes just like the
one in the early middle ages which allowed grapes to be grown in Scotland.
There was a huge fig orchard in Canterbury which had an abundance of figs on
We have had much warmer periods than the present in the past 1,000 years
let alone 2,000 and there was little if any man made activities around then.
The hysterics over the average temperature figures are damned
ridiculous. When CET figures commenced in 1659 we are going into, "the
little ice age" which lasted well into the middle of the 19th century. When
I hear so called scientists saying for example that this year 2004 will be
the fourth warmest on record, for God sakes so what.
With regard to the use of fossil fuels, technology will ensure that we
move on to less polluting and easier to process fuels as part of the natural
process of human science.
Let it not be forgotten that the stone age did not end due to a shortage
of stones. The oil age will not end due to a shortage of oil either.