OT: re TB 1.0
James Hurrell wrote:
Here, he would get filtered (Thunderbird 1) ... such a nice phrase ...
but I didn't do it because he wasn't sufficiently annoying (:
I couldn't help noticing that you are using TB 1.0 for news Gianna - I too
use this on my home PC (not here at work we're limited to OE) and I like it
a lot, but I'm having trouble setting it up with a newsserver that requires
authentication (it's the work newsserver and it works fine with OE). In OE,
you simply tell it "My server requires me to log in" and then enter your
username + password - however, I can't find anywhere to do this in TB 1.0.
When I have gone through the setup process for the newsgroup in TB, it gets
displayed correctly, but then when i go to the option "Manage Newsgroup
Subscriptions" all I get is a box asking me to input my username... so I
input my domain\username and click OK... I then get a permission denied,
most probably because I haven't specified a password...
Any ideas? TB works brilliantly with my ISP's newserver, but this doesn't
require a login... Any help would be much appreciated.
Tools\Account Settings\Server Settings (under your news server title)
and tick "Always request authentication when connecting to this server"
Howard Neil