Frackquakes (?)
Imperial Dam's grackles flew uphill to the mesa from Colorado reeds to
say hello with visual bird demonstrations of greeting....right off.
That following the global quake flow going off to the eats coast, and
of course violence in California. AAA. And we had only a fcew days
here last year when the BLM/or? sprayed the dam area with wjhat
smelled like roach killer...I fled to Texas.
The sunset here in Yuma is incroyable. I'll try a photo. Lighting ?
USMC's Yuma Proving Ground is surrounded by AAA fencing and GKWE? yet
twinkles brightly in our view off the Mesa.
A conpendium OF GAS CO. explainations offered to the locals would be
I owned a parcel on a bench above trout stream, beaver pond, waterfall
in northern PA waaaayout in the boons. In bewteen gas areas.
Recently an asshole approached me with this knowledge leading to a
nyah nyah nyah about land owners getting 5 mill from the Gas Co. for
signing paper....
I did not have rights to the underside. Prior owner, last trappper
ect. sold rights to the Local Feudal Overlord back in ???