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Old December 1st 11, 09:06 PM posted to
Dawlish Dawlish is offline
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First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Mar 2008
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Default Guess whose coming to dinner at Will's place

On Dec 1, 7:26*pm, Lawrence13 wrote:
On Dec 1, 4:45*pm, Alan LeHun wrote:

In article ,

Jeremy Clarkson - not !!

He'd be too busy rubbing his hands with glee I would have thought. What
I want to know is how JC knew that the peeps at the very top of one of
the UK's major unions could be so gullible and naive.

JC know's exactly what he's doing. I can only surmise that the next
series of TG starts soon.

Alan LeHun

Well with the NHS wards every time I've had to visit someone they all
seem to be sitting around the nurses' station chatting and when you
approach them to ask about the condition of the person you are
visiting this is the sequence

1) They ignore you until you run out of politeness *and just as you
are about break a habit of a life time and interrupt their ever so
banal conversation they move to phase two

2) In a steely monotonous tone that conveys the total opposite of what
the words that struggle to get out of their mouths through clenched
teeth they ask

"Can I help you" in a manner very reminiscent of a demented Dalek.

3) You now are clenching your teeth, as you are thinking why the
bleedin' hell have I been standing here for the last five minutes
whilst you've been chatting and ignoring me. Of course you can
bleedin' help me.
*Just note that at this stage you still naively think they can help

4) Yes thanks my name is Lawrence Jenkins and my Uncle James Jenkins
is in that bed over there not very well and seemingly in a deep sleep.
I believe he is in with a severe chest infection. I wanted to know how
is and the prognosis.

5)They astonishingly reply " Who are you , we just can't give that
information out to anyone. *"

6) You are now getting very irritated as a simple inquiry into a loved
one's health has now turned into Tinker Tailor, Soldier , Spy. *So
once again to avoid a stroke you try and stay calm and repeat
question four.
" Yes thanks my name is Lawrence Jenkins and my Uncle James Jenkins is
in that bed over there not very well and seemingly in a deep sleep. I
believe he is in with a severe chest infection. I wanted to know how
is and the prognosis."

7) Just as you though things couldn't get any worse they say "Sorry
but we can't give out that information as its confidential"

Okay now your gasket its ready to blow at the fact that as his nephew
they won't give you that information of how he is and secondly why is
this information deemed so blood confidential for Christ's
sake!!!! * * * *........ *move on to 7

7) Now your blood is boiling at the sheer ignorance and stupidity of
these morons and you now start to speak in a loud voice " What do you
bloody mean, I'm his nephew and what's so damaging to the security of
Great Britain and my Uncle if you disclose the seriousness of his
condition to me For God's Sake this is pathetic I've been sitting at
his bedside for half and hour looking at his notes and no one has
approached me to tell me otherwise this is pathetically moronic don't
you see the irony in what you are bloody saying. Now comes 8 the
clincher for all this brainwashed twits.

8) "If you are going to talk to me like that then I will have to ask
you to leave the ward" . By now totally exasperated you try and calm
down and say look I'm very sorry but I only want to know about my
uncles condition. The staff nurse then says "You'll have to arrange to
speak to the doctor". Once again with gritted teeth you're thinking
how can these nurses attend to patients on the ward all day and not
have some idea about the patient's condition but still *hide behind
the wall of nonsensical confidentially even though they apparently
know sweet FA.
Now this is all based on personal experience.

Sorry those that support public sector workers. *Pensions liability is
growing out of control and they without any question of a doubt have a
fantastic deal even after the cuts. *I've never heard one public
sector union worrying about the fact that in the private sector
employers when pushed will only usually match 6% of the employees
contribution where with the Superannuation final salary schemes the
employed *read state tax payer) puts in I believe 16% into the
individual pension contribution with a pension guaranteed no mater
what the markets do.
Funnily enough the AGW administration and awareness comes from the met
O, the environment agency, H&S E and so on yet all these people want
to emaciate private business with greenhouse taxes, penalties and a
contracting world economy yet they all are squealing like little piggy
over something that hardly affects them.

I have to say over the years with the way the elderly are treated in
hospital, the uselessness of parasitic local authorities and teachers'
that can't get kids to learn I have the same sympathy with them as
they have for workers in the private sector and business's that pay
their wages.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Unbelievable far-right wing, grumpy old man trash. To be ignored.

Emigrate Lawrence. Find a better country, as you obviously hate
everything about this one.