Cold "wodge" of air over Greenland
On Dec 3, 12:46*pm, Nick Humphries
Howard Neil wrote:
I certainly would appreciate your musings, Will. Please just ignore the
destructive children that always think they are right and should have
their own way. The rest of us would like to see this newsgroup return to
what it once was and your musings are a wonderful way of achieving this..
Ditto - Will makes the Annual Snow Watch fun, whereas Dawlish just drains
all the fun out of an interesting hobby.
If people find reality "not fun", there's nothing I'm going to do
about that. There are posts every winter about "tapping into cold"
that is sitting somewhere and some of us just shake our heads. I'm one
of them and I don't intend to change, until I actually see a chance of
it happening. Then you'll be able to trust what I say with 80%
certainty. You can't trust any of this stuff. It's speculation on tiny
possibilities; no more. If people enjoy it; great, but don't be too
quick to cticise when someone offers the other side of the coin -
which may actually be the probability. I see nothing wrong with
presenting the probable, or calling the unlikely, unlikely. Some find
that *very* hard to deal with in winter, though. *))