[OBS] Luton Fri 17 Dec 2004
1000z Var F1 5km -RA 1St1500 3Sc2500 8As7000 04.4/03.8 990.7
1100z NNE F2 4500m RA 3St1200 5Sc2500 8Ns5000 04.1/03.7 990.2
1200z NW F4 4500m RA 6St1200 8Ns5000 04.1/03.9 991.0
1300z NW F5 6km -RADZ 7St1200 8As7000 04.4/04.0 992.4
1400z NW F5 20km RERA 2Cu1500 5AcAsCs 04.5/02.5 994.2
RMK Additional burst of rain in last hour lifted event total to 9.1mm
Multilayered mediumlevel shield of frontal cloud now receding rapidly
1500z NW F5 30km 3Cu1500 1Cb 996.5
RMK Cb with extensive anvil to NW, can't see the base, presumably
the one producing a shower around Coventry!!
Philip Eden
Luton (Round Green) 155m