Cold "wodge" of air over Greenland
On Dec 4, 7:20*pm, "Joe Whyte" wrote:
"Dawlish" *wrote in message
Hmmmmm. "I don't see the merit anymore of Paul constantly interjecting
into threads like this one you started": oddly; I do. And that right
will continue to be exercised when I see blatent exaggeration of
whatever cold situation happens to arise. It irritates some people and
others enjoy seeing people taken to task for doing the exaggeration
for effect.
I would never kill-file anyone; I like to be able to reply if someone
posts something foul about me, or others. I'll ignore the worst, but
I'll always reply if I wish to. That's what usenet is about. My
replies are never foul-mouthed, but I do ask awkward questions. Kill-
filing is as much of a right, however, as the right of reply and
however silly I think it may be (the three monkeys come to mind)
people have every right to do it. To say that one kill-files "to avoid
never ending discussions" is frankly ridiculous to me. Never-ending
discussions are again what usenet is about - see the one that Will
started himself on his picket line duty and then returned to many
times. Will actually kill files to try to avoid criticism of his weak
long-range record (it is - that's a fact and it's no different to
anyone else's, but it is no better than "weak") and the embarrassment
at being found wanting, on occasions, by a mere enthusiast. I'm no
respecter of "reputations"; a reoutation is not what makes a person,
for me, though I'm happy for others to feel whichever way they wish
about people's abilities in whatever sphere.
Enjoy Will's posts, but if they are, as I've said, blatant
exaggerratons to hope for cold, I'm likely to say something; fair
enough? *Time for me to move on to the 18z...........
================================================== ==
Paul, your response is as I had expected. Naturally you're entitled to reply
to we all are. My own opinion is that in your replies you
express the same things (to Will anyway) over and over and, rightly or
wrongly, it comes across almost as a form of harassment!!!
I do think though you give yourself too much credit if you think Will
kill-filed you to avoid criticism of "his weak long-range record" or that
he's embarrassed at being "found wanting"!!??? From reading Will's posts
from the time I've subscribed to this newsgroup many, many years ago(!), I
wouldn't think that's Will's reasoning to kill-file you...but then I can't
and don't speak for him. It seems to me that you do have a very high opinion
of yourself and your influence on the actions or behaviour of people on this
newsgroup. It's for others to judge of course whether that is merited or
not. As far as I'm concerned I don't think it is, Paul, but then as I'm sure
you'll ay my opinion counts for nought! *) ! *You contribute valuable posts
but the "badgering" of those you seem to have taken umbrage is taking away
from the social aspect of this newsgroup where mere enthusiasts like you
(and me) can engage with those more qualified in the field of meteorology
and learn at the same time.
I'll read Will's posts, Paul, and I'll make my own judgements and comment
back to Will as I see fit when there's something to query, challenge or
Enjoy your 18z but remember it's only one run!!!! *;-
Any chance you might try a post to and see if "yer man"
would reply!??? *I've given up there...
28m AMSL
I've tried Joe. No response either. Points noted; not that it'll
change anything, or that I agree with you, but I respect your point of