On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 01:12:50 +0100, "Jon O'Rourke"
"AliCat" wrote in message
"Joe" wrote in message
I'm rather new to meteorology, but I was very
surprised to see 582dm
thinkness at about 45 degress latitude, is this
normal ?
Check out Josephine, mid 80's IIRC. She eventually
gave the SW of England a bit of a battering,
including me and my tent!
Another of note was ex-Hurricane Lili which packed a real punch across
southern Britain in 1996, http://members.aol.com/windgusts/Lili.html#HISTORY
I remember that one now, here's a chart of its track across most of
the Atlantic:
Surprisingly, the tracking information below the chart still denotes
it as a "tropical storm" with nominal winds of 65Kt (isn't that
hurricane force?) when over England late on the 28th October 1996.
Here's a photo of Lili sitting squarely over England on 28th October.
You can just see the coasts of East Anglia and Eastern Kent poking out
from the Eastern edge of the cloudbank near the mid-top of the photo.
All this information out there, free to see and drool over. The
Internet is a wonderful thing!