On Thu, 04 Sep 2003 03:50:55 +0100, Dave Ludlow
I remember that one now, here's a chart of its track across most of
the Atlantic: http://www.wunderground.com/hurricane/at199612.asp
Surprisingly, the tracking information below the chart still denotes
it as a "tropical storm" with nominal winds of 65Kt (isn't that
hurricane force?) when over England late on the 28th October 1996.
Oops, it's 65 mph not knots (it's late). Anyway, as I've now had to
reply to my own post, here's the topkarten mslp reanalysis I found
for 27th, 28th and 29th Oct (00Z) 1996:
Interesting how the reanalysis chart for the 27th fails to indicate
the intensity of the storm when it was still small scale, showing a
central isobar of 1000 mb at a time and place when the central
pressure was 978 mb.