[OBS] Romsey - Thursday 8th December 2011
Ten minutes of atrocious/exciting (delete as applicable)
weather. No squall, although it sounded like one as the
torrential rain lashed against the windows (2mm of rain
in 5 minutes). Visibility reduced to 1500m. Pressure
kick of 1mb in less than 10 minutes.
The moon is now visible through thin Altostratus and
much of the low cloud has cleared. Still windy.
SYNOP 08/1850Z
03/// 41458 82321 10118 20098 40033 57025 75862 885//
333 86712 88620 91034 90710 91140=
SYNOP 08/1950Z (current ob)
03/// 41465 82717 10094 20074 40052 55000 76165 8551/
333 81710 84620 88458 91029 90710 91137=
EG// 081950Z 27017G29KT 9999 -RA FEW010 SCT020
OVC080 09/07 Q//// RERA WHT=
wind... W, force 5.
visibility... 15km.
weather... slight rain (recent downpour).
dry bulb... +9.4C.
dewpoint... +7.4C.
RH... 87%.
sea level pressure... 1005.2mb (was falling, now rising).
rainfall last hour... 3.7mm.
11 hour rainfall (0900-2000Z)... 4.6mm.
beaufort letters (1750-1850Z)... cdoro,c,cdoro.
beaufort letters (1850-1950Z)... cdoro,cR,cr,cro.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl