Friday, 17 December 2004
0900 SSW F2 7000 RA 2/ST 4/SC 8/NS T062D048
RMK: rain since just before 05Z-ocnl moderate (RA) in past 90mins.
screen min: 06.1 grass min: 04.6 precipitation: 3.9MM ]
1100 NNE F4 8000 RA BR 1/ST 7/ST 8/NS T058D053
RMK: Recent +RA (that's heavy rain), with visibility down to 3000M -
wind ocnl F5 past 10 to 15 mins=
1310 NNW F5 20km - 7/SC 8/AS T058D047
RMK: Total rain 09-13Z = 10.4mm; looking somewhat brighter to NW. Rain
ceased around 1245Z=
1500 NW F5 40km - 5/CU T062D033
RMK: Cumulus varieties humilis and fractus (i.e. very shallow & notably
ragged) - base somewhere around 1200/1500ft; Medium cloud broke around
1345Z, with bright sunshine/less than half cover by 1415Z. Visibility
excellent - might be even more than 40km: Wind ocnl F6 past hour=
1600 NW F4 35km - 1/CU
RMK: The 1 okta of CU is ragged Cumulus fractus; other cloud seen - a
'trace' of SC and to the distant north, some Cumulus mediocris or
perhaps congestus - the radar shows SHRA (showers of rain) in that
direction so it's just possible we're seeing those. A fine, breezy dusk
about to set in: wind noticeably less gusty than an hour or so ago=
1800 NW F4 35km - 1/SC T053D010
RMK: 2 oktas cirrus also seen to E/NE, with the distant SC above.
Probably residue of shower activity in that direction. Feeling
distinctly chilly now as the dew point has gently edged down. Surfaces
evaporating, but still reasonably damp.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 06.4 precipitation: 10.4mm
other data: The distant TCU (towering cumulus) in 1600 report sheared
away on our north-eastern horizon. ]=
2100 WNW F4 30km - 1/AC T042D-011
RMK: A fine, crisp evening - stars shining brightly with a chill wind:
note negative dew point=
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)