Latest forecast for Friday's "storm"
On Dec 15, 11:56*am, Dave Cornwell wrote:
As of 11.30 am on the 15th Dec the current News 24 forecast can be
summarised as follows for England and Wales. (Apologies to Scottish and
N.I members but this one seems to be missing you, largely).
Basically the snow is forecast for Wales in the early hours tomorrow and
then spreads to the Midlands in the morning and then Central Southern
England. The SW, London, East Anglia and the S.E should miss the snow
with rain being generally forecast for these areas though no doubt
higher ground in these regions may see a short spell of wet snow.
The striking thing was there was no mention of strong winds or gales at
all other than "over the Channel in Northern France."
Usually the strongest winds will be to the right hand side of the
storm's direction - and if the storm is moving at a fair lick it means
the "left-hand-side" winds - i.e. those on the south coast will tend
to be ameliorated. Not always the case when the storm is moving slowly
- so if the storm track has moved further south, then the south coast
may well be out of the firing line.