On 19/12/2011 03:53, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Dec 19, 1:43 am, John wrote:
On 19/12/2011 01:13, Weatherlawyer wrote:
I have just noticed this:
I have no idea how long it has been there.
If anyone can write me a programme to open a batch at a time I would
be most grateful. (But not to the point of financial remuneration.)
Saving chunks of these is a major headache. But absolutely essential
for my needs.
Not entirely sure what you are trying to do, however if the question is
how can I download lots of linked files without having to click each one
manually and save etc, then:
I never thought of Download managers though I remember hearing about
them form my MSN groups days. Thanks a billion.
I could open all the links at once or as many as my puny connection
will permit. Or wait a minute, it says all the inks on a page.
It will list all the links on a page. You can manually select files or
use a filter to select which you want to download (e.g. *.gif or
similar) or a combination of both. It will then list all the downloads
and romp through them in sequence doing a small number at a time
(configurable). It can also make multiple concurrent requests for file
segments to overcome bandwidth restrictions on some sites
I suppose I could write a spead sheet of links and put them on a web
apge but Wetter Zentrale only shows one link for the archive.
And once into the archive are there more links then?
I will cogitatum ruminae dorma.
Another option is Adobe Acrobat (full version, not just the reader).
That can spider a web site and capture it into a PDF. You just specify
how many levels deep to recurse, and whether to follow off site links.
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