On Dec 19, 10:43*am, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Dec 19, 9:52*am, Richard Dixon wrote:
On Dec 19, 4:09*am, Weatherlawyer wrote:
Weatherlawyer, Weathersage - whatever next, Weatherforecaster?
Well I forecast this snow would stop falling when all on here were
saying their prayers to the great white god.
You don't know what causes weather and all the money supplied to
Meteorology to provide house and feed enormous computers isn't
accomplishing all that much better than us is it?
If a fraction of one percent of what has been spent at the University
of the "Middle East", never mind keeping ice cold and tree rings safe,
had been spent on employing a couple of school leavers to actually try
and understand what we amateurs are doing, even a dolt like you would
be sensible about this stuff.
Only kidding.
There is no way on god's earth He is going to let you see daylight.
I have only just begun to look at what the author of this site has
done so I can't say yea or nay to it. But at least she is trying. What
are you doing?
Has anyone on here besides me actually tried to understand where
weather comes from?
I hear talk of instabilities and all sorts of mumbo jumbo from
scientists. But no insights and little true understandings.
Why not just ignore me?
Have I asked for your assistance?
I have had none from any on here. Absolute zero. Why can't you be
happy with that?
You cesspit.
The deluded always believe they are the ones with the answer and
everyone else is wrong. I would imagine most people will ignore you,
or not, as is their wont, but if they reply, it will almost always be
to tell you that you are a silly, deluded individual. If that hurts -
I don't honestly care.