Top 2 Met Offices
In article ,
Phil Layton writes:
There's an article on the Met O website comparing this December
to last. Towards the end it says:
"However, the challenge of forecasting our variable weather is
something the Met Office rises to every day and explains why we
are regularly ranked in the top two national weather services in
the world"
Who is the other one?
And ranked by whom? Who is qualified to rank all the national weather
services in the world? Just collecting all the data on their performance
would be a massive task, never mind analysing it. In fact even deriving
a single objective numerical measure of how well our own Met Office
performs would be challenging enough.
I wonder if this derived from an analysis of how well the various global
models performed putting the Met Office's model in second place behind
the ECMWF, and then the Met Office's press office misunderstanding
and/or getting a bit carried away?
John Hall
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism
by those who have not got it."
George Bernard Shaw