[OBS] Romsey - Thursday 29th December 2011
Frequent slight showers continued well into the afternoon,
punctuated by bright or sunny intervals. Since 1500Z, the
showers have stopped but the wind increased markedly to
force 5 to 6 from a point just north of west. The air temp
has climbed to its present highest value of the day.
SYNOP 29/1150Z
03/// 11570 72509 10083 20048 40225 58016 69921 72582
878/2 333 83820 86635=
SYNOP 29/1750Z (current ob)
03/// 11580 72821 10099 20057 40179 56014 60012 70282
878// 333 10099 82820 86635 91036 90710 91136=
EG// 291750Z 28021G36KT 9999 FEW020 BKN035 10/06
Q//// BLU=
wind... W by N, force 5.
visibility... 30km.
weather... cloudy.
clouds... 2/8 Cu 2000ft, 6/8 Sc 3500ft.
dry bulb... +9.9C.
dewpoint... +5.7C.
RH... 75%.
sea level pressure... 1017.9mb (falling more slowly).
max temp (0600-1800Z)... +9.9C.
rainfall last hour... 0.0mm.
12 hour rainfall (0600-1800Z)... 1.0mm.
beaufort letters (1650-1750Z)... c.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl