03/1120Z JAN2012 West Moors/E.Dorset ... Cold Front/line convection
On Jan 3, 11:48*am, Richard Dixon wrote:
On Jan 3, 11:23*am, Martin Rowley
... (03/1120Z) cold front/intense (and intensifying) line convection
just running through now ... brighter to west ... gusty wind but nothing
too dramatic.
Looks like it's really tightened up in the SE now - quite dramatic-
looking on radar. Due to pass here on the 18th floor in central London
in about 5 minutes or so. Could be - erm - interesting?!
Was *very* interesting as it passed here. Torrential rain
for about two minutes, reducing visibility to less than half a mile,
gusts of about Force 8 and a temperature drop of 3 deg that appeared
on my thermograph trace as "instant".
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, NE Surrey, 556 ft.