[OBS] Luton Sun 19 Dec 2004
0730z NE F3 25km 5Ac150 7Ci250 01.5/00.2 1009.2
RMK Very disappointing ... it only rained gently for
a few hours on Saturday evening here.
0900z NE F3 25km 1Sc050 4Ci250 00.9/00.0 1011.2
RMK Just a trace of Sc in the distant NW. The sun
is shining ... a rare event this month ... only 16.3h so
far since Dec 1.
Starting today I'm switching to the coded method of reporting
cloud heights ... eg 150 = 15000ft, 250 = 25000ft. It takes up
less room.
Philip Eden
Luton (Round Green) 155m